Whether your next trip will be for business or vacation, make sure it’s filled with adventure, not anxiety, with travel insurance from King Risk Partners. With straightforward benefits and fast claim processing, and backed by reliable customer service, our travel insurance policies eliminate distractions and concerns so you can enjoy the experience of traveling. Get a free, no-obligation travel insurance quote today!
What Is A Travel Insurance Plan?
Travel insurance offers protection from unforeseen events while traveling, similar to how property insurance or medical insurance covers you at home. If you are injured while traveling, for example, travel insurance can pay for doctor visits. Travel insurance can also reimburse you for trip cancellations, such as the cost of airfare if inclement weather grounds the airlines, as well as lost luggage.

Travel Insurance Benefits
Travel insurance benefits and coverage periods can be adjusted to meet your budget and needs. Here are the main areas a travel insurance policy can cover.
Trip Cancellations
Your travel plans could be upended for many reasons, including severe weather shuttering the airport, an illness keeping you at home, or an employment issue or termination making a business trip irrelevant. Travel insurance will reimburse you for car rides, air travel, and most other travel-related expenses made before your trip’s cancellation. Travel insurance also covers emergency travel and lodging in case of an evacuation while you’re traveling.
Medical Expenses
In your home area, you probably have physicians whom you know and trust. But finding suitable medical professionals when you’re far from home can be a challenge. That’s where travel insurance can be of service. Your travel insurance benefits can help you find a hospital or pharmacy if you’re sick or hurt, as well as help with paying your medical bills.
Lost Or Stolen Luggage
Arriving at your destination without your luggage is difficult enough without the added stress of paying to replace your clothes, laptop, and anything that was in your suitcase. Travel insurance baggage benefits pay for replacing lost items. Whether your bag was misplaced by the airline or stolen from the hotel room, your travel insurance has your back.
International Travel Insurance
Insurance coverages that apply in your home country may not be valid internationally. Medicare health insurance, for example, doesn’t cover Americans outside of the U.S., which makes travel insurance medical benefits essential for any person with pre-existing conditions or who may otherwise require medical assistance in another country. Additionally, students studying abroad often enroll in international travel insurance plans to give themselves (and their parents) extra peace of mind.
Tips For Buying Travel Insurance
Not all travel insurance plans offer the benefits you need. That’s why our insurance company works with travelers to construct individualized policies with benefits that cater to their needs. Additionally, the cheap travel insurance international travelers sometimes buy from online travel insurance companies don’t always the levels of coverage or responsive customer assistance offered by King Risk Partners. Contact us to find the perfect coverage for your next trip or other needs!