Keeping homeowners protected against risk
Most homeowners insurance policies provide some coverage for personal property at an additional residence, but in many cases the coverage that a homeowner needs in order to completely secure an additional residence requires an additional policy. A vacation and rental home policy is the policy that a homeowner needs, and at King Risk Partners we have robust vacation and rental home insurance policy options. We’ll tailor any of the options that we have to you, and as result you and your home will be secure for the right price. Whether you insure a single home that’s on the water or you insure a series of homes that are in different locations, we’ll help you stay covered.

Vacation and Rental Home Insurance Coverage Details
Vacation and rental home insurance coverages are a lot like homeowners insurance coverages. This means that the coverages in vacation and rental home insurance policies often include fire, liability, and flood. We’ll help you find the right coverages, and we’ll also ensure that your policy fits.
The coverages from which you can choose include:
- Property insurance
- Homeowners liability
- Renters insurance
- Scheduled property insurance
- Landlords insurance
- In-home business insurance
- Fire
- Flood
Flooding and hurricanes are two risks that homeowners face. For this reason it’s important that vacation and rental home insurance policyholders have coverages that protect against these two risks. At King Risk Partners we’ll create the hurricane plan and the food policy that you need in order to stay protected. If you’d like to find out the flood risk level of the area in which you live, use the FEMA Flood Map Service Center search tool.
At King Risk Partners, we’re proud to provide vacation rental home insurance to our clients. We’re licensed to serve many states across the Eastern and Southeastern regions of the United States.